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vue.jsHow do I create and use web components with Vue.js?

Web components are custom HTML elements that allow developers to create reusable components for their web applications. With Vue.js, developers can create and use web components with ease.

To create a web component with Vue.js, developers can use the Vue.component() method. This method takes two arguments: the tag name of the component and an object specifying the component's properties. The following example creates a custom component called <my-component>:

Vue.component('my-component', {
  template: '<div>This is my component</div>'

To use the component, developers can simply add the tag to their HTML template. The component will be rendered as an element with the given content.

<div id="app">

The component can also be used within other components. For example, the following component uses the <my-component> tag inside of its template:

Vue.component('my-other-component', {
  template: '<div><my-component></my-component></div>'

To learn more about creating and using web components with Vue.js, check out the Vue.js documentation.

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