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vue.jsHow do I implement a year picker using Vue.js?

To implement a year picker using Vue.js, we can use the vue-date-picker component.

The following example code can be used to create a year picker with the vue-date-picker component:


import DatePicker from 'vue-date-picker'

export default {
  components: {
  data () {
    return {
      date: new Date()

The output of the example code will be a year picker with the current year displayed.

Code explanation

  • <template>: This is the HTML template of the component.
  • <date-picker>: This is the vue-date-picker component.
  • type="year": This is the attribute used to specify the type of the date picker as year.
  • v-model="date": This is the attribute used to bind the value of the date picker to the date variable.
  • import DatePicker from 'vue-date-picker': This is the code used to import the vue-date-picker component.
  • data () { return { date: new Date() } }: This is the code used to initialize the date variable with the current date.

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