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vue.jsHow do I use a keypress event in Vue.js?

Using a keypress event in Vue.js is simple and easy. To do so, you must first create a method that will be called when a keypress event occurs.

For example, a method called handleKeyPress can be created as follows:

methods: {
  handleKeyPress(event) {
    // handle keypress event

Then, the v-on directive can be used to bind the keypress event to the method.

<input v-on:keypress="handleKeyPress" />

The event argument passed to the method contains the keycode of the key pressed. This can be used to determine which key was pressed.

methods: {
  handleKeyPress(event) {
    if (event.keyCode === 13) {
      console.log('Enter key was pressed');

The output of the above code would be:

Enter key was pressed

For more information, refer to the Vue.js documentation.

Code explanation


  • methods: { ... }: This is the object where the method is defined.
  • handleKeyPress(event) { ... }: This is the method that is called when a keypress event occurs. The event argument passed to the method contains the keycode of the key pressed.
  • <input v-on:keypress="handleKeyPress" />: This is the HTML element which binds the keypress event to the method.
  • if (event.keyCode === 13) { ... }: This is the condition that checks if the Enter key was pressed. If it was, the message Enter key was pressed is logged in the console.

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