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vue.jsHow do I use Vue.js lifecycle hooks?

Vue.js lifecycle hooks are a powerful tool for managing the different stages of a component's life cycle. They allow developers to run code at specific points in the life cycle, such as before a component is created, before it is destroyed, or when it is updated.

Below is an example of using the created hook, which is run when a component is created:

// Inside the Vue component
created() {
  console.log('Component created!');

Output example

Component created!

The code above will log the string Component created! to the console when the component is created.

The following are the different Vue.js lifecycle hooks available:

  • beforeCreate: Runs before the instance is initialized
  • created: Runs after the instance is initialized
  • beforeMount: Runs before the component is mounted to the DOM
  • mounted: Runs after the component is mounted to the DOM
  • beforeUpdate: Runs before data changes cause the component to re-render
  • updated: Runs after the component is updated
  • beforeDestroy: Runs before the instance is destroyed
  • destroyed: Runs after the instance is destroyed

For more information, see the Vue.js documentation.

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