vue.jsHow do I use the Vue.js CLI?
The Vue.js CLI (Command Line Interface) is a tool for creating and managing Vue.js projects. It can be used to quickly generate a new project, scaffold components, and build and serve the application.
To install the CLI, you can use npm or yarn:
npm install -g @vue/cli
# OR
yarn global add @vue/cli
Once the CLI is installed, you can create a new project by running the vue create
vue create my-project
This will prompt you to choose a preset, then install dependencies and generate the project structure.
To scaffold a new component, you can use the vue generate
vue generate component my-component
This will create the component files and add them to the project.
Finally, you can build and serve the application with the vue serve
vue serve
This will build the application and serve it at localhost:8080
Code explanation
npm install -g @vue/cli
: Install the CLIvue create my-project
: Create a new projectvue generate component my-component
: Scaffold a new componentvue serve
: Build and serve the application
## Helpful links
More of Vue.js
- How to use a YAML editor with Vue.js?
- How do I change the z-index of a modal in Vue.js?
- How do I set a z-index in Vue.js?
- How can I use Vue and Chart.js to add zoom functionality to my chart?
- How do I determine which version of Vue.js I am using?
- How do I use Yup with Vue.js?
- How do I set up unit testing for a Vue.js application?
- How do I use Vue.js lifecycle hooks?
- How can I use Vue.js with Laravel to create an effective web application?
- How do I make an XHR request with Vue.js?
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