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amazon-redshiftHow do I use Amazon Redshift to store and retrieve key-value data?

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service. It can be used to store and retrieve key-value data. Key-value data is stored in Amazon Redshift tables as a single column, with the key-value pairs stored as strings.

To store key-value data in Amazon Redshift, you can use the COPY command to load data into a table. The command requires you to specify the source of the data, the target table, and the delimiter used to separate the key-value pairs.

For example, to load the following data into a table named my_table:


You can use the following COPY command:

COPY my_table FROM 's3://my-bucket/my-file.csv'
CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=<your_access_key_id>;aws_secret_access_key=<your_secret_access_key>'

To retrieve key-value data from Amazon Redshift, you can use the SELECT command. For example, to retrieve the value of key2 from the my_table table, you can use the following SELECT command:

SELECT split_part(column_name, '=', 2)
FROM my_table
WHERE split_part(column_name, '=', 1) = 'key2';

The split_part function is used to separate the key-value pairs, and the WHERE clause is used to select the desired key.

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