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angularjsHow do I implement an Angular year picker in my application?

This can be done by using an Angular UI library, such as PrimeNG or Angular Material, to create a year picker component. The following example code shows how to implement a year picker using the PrimeNG library:

<p-calendar [(ngModel)]="date" [showTime]="false" [monthNavigator]="true" [yearNavigator]="true" [yearRange]="yearRange"></p-calendar>

export class AppComponent {
  date: Date;
  yearRange: string;

  constructor() {
    this.yearRange = (new Date().getFullYear() - 100) + ':' + (new Date().getFullYear() + 100);

The <p-calendar> component has several properties that can be used to configure the year picker. The [monthNavigator] and [yearNavigator] properties are set to true to enable the month and year picker. The [yearRange] property is set to a range of years to limit the selection of years the user can choose from. In this case, the range is set to 100 years before and after the current year.

Code explanation

  • <p-calendar>: This is the PrimeNG component used to create the year picker.
  • [monthNavigator]="true": This property is set to true to enable the month picker.
  • [yearNavigator]="true": This property is set to true to enable the year picker.
  • [yearRange]="yearRange": This property is set to the yearRange variable to limit the selection of years the user can choose from.
  • yearRange: string: This is the variable used to store the range of years used by the [yearRange] property.
  • this.yearRange = (new Date().getFullYear() - 100) + ':' + (new Date().getFullYear() + 100): This is the line of code used to set the yearRange variable to a range of 100 years before and after the current year.

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