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angularjsHow do I use the location service in AngularJS?

Using the Location service in AngularJS is a great way to manage the navigation of your web application. It allows you to update the URL in the browser's address bar, as well as enable the user to navigate between different states of your application. To use the Location service, you must first include the ngRoute module in your application's module declaration.

var app = angular.module("myApp", ["ngRoute"]);

Then, you must inject the $location service into your controller.

app.controller("myCtrl", function($scope, $location) {
    // code here

Once you have injected the service, you can use it to get the current URL, redirect the user to a new page, and more.

For example, to get the current URL, you can use the $location.absUrl() method.

$scope.currentURL = $location.absUrl();
console.log($scope.currentURL); // Outputs the current URL

To redirect the user to a new page, you can use the $location.url() method.

$location.url("/about"); // Redirects the user to the /about page

You can also use the $location.search() method to get the query parameters from the current URL.

$scope.queryParams = $location.search();
console.log($scope.queryParams); // Outputs the query parameters from the current URL

For more information, see the AngularJS Documentation.

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