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cli-tarHow can I use the shell tar command?

The tar command is a powerful tool for archiving and compressing files and directories. It is most commonly used in Linux and Unix-based operating systems, but can also be used with Windows. Here is an example of how to use the tar command to compress a directory:

$ tar -czvf my_directory.tar.gz my_directory

This command will create a .tar.gz file that contains all of the contents of my_directory. The -c flag tells the tar command to create an archive, the -z flag tells it to compress the archive using gzip, the -v flag tells it to be verbose (print the names of the files it is archiving), and the -f flag tells it to use the my_directory.tar.gz file as the archive.

The following list explains the parts of the command:

  • tar: The command to create an archive
  • -c: Tells the tar command to create an archive
  • -z: Tells the tar command to compress the archive using gzip
  • -v: Tells the tar command to be verbose (print the names of the files it is archiving)
  • -f: Tells the tar command to use the my_directory.tar.gz file as the archive
  • my_directory.tar.gz: The name of the archive file
  • my_directory: The name of the directory to be archived

For more information on the tar command, see this page.

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