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cli-tarHow do I read a tar.gz file using gzip?

Reading a tar.gz file using gzip

  1. To read a tar.gz file using gzip, first you need to make sure that gzip is installed on your system.

  2. Then you can use the following command to read the tar.gz file:

gzip -d <filename>.tar.gz
  1. This will create a tar file with the same name as the tar.gz file, but without the .gz extension.

  2. To extract the contents of the tar file, use the following command:

tar -xvf <filename>.tar
  1. This will extract the contents of the tar file into the current directory.

  2. To delete the tar file after extracting its contents, use the following command:

rm <filename>.tar
  1. This will delete the tar file from the current directory.

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