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cli-tarHow do I use the tar command in a CMD prompt?

The tar command is used to create, modify, list, and extract files from an archive file. It is commonly used in Linux and Unix-like operating systems, but can also be used in Windows via the Command Prompt.

To use the tar command in a CMD prompt, first open the Command Prompt by pressing the Windows key + R, then type cmd and press Enter.

Once the Command Prompt is open, you can use the tar command. For example, to create an archive file called myfile.tar from the contents of the myfolder directory, you would use the following command:

tar -cvf myfile.tar myfolder

This command will create an archive file called myfile.tar from the contents of the myfolder directory.

To extract the contents of the myfile.tar archive file, you would use the following command:

tar -xvf myfile.tar

This command will extract the contents of the myfile.tar archive file into the current directory.

For more information on the tar command, see the GNU tar manual.

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