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javascript-lodashHow do I use Lodash to filter an array in JavaScript?

Using Lodash to filter an array in JavaScript is simple and straightforward.

The _.filter() method is used to filter an array based on a given callback function. The callback function should return true for the elements that should be included in the filtered array.

For example:

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

const evenNumbers = _.filter(numbers, (num) => num % 2 === 0);


Output example

[2, 4]

The code above filters the numbers array and returns a new array evenNumbers containing only the even numbers.

The _.filter() method takes two parameters:

  • an array to filter
  • a callback function to determine which elements should be included in the filtered array

For more information and examples, see the Lodash Documentation.

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