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javascript-lodashHow do I use Lodash to remove null values from an object in JavaScript?

Using Lodash, you can remove null values from an object in JavaScript in a few simple steps.

First, import the Lodash library:

const _ = require('lodash');

Next, create an object with null values:

const obj = {
  a: 'a',
  b: null,
  c: 0,
  d: false,
  e: null

Then, use the _.omitBy() method to remove the null values:

const result = _.omitBy(obj, _.isNil);

The result variable will now contain the object without the null values:

// { a: 'a', c: 0, d: false }

The _.omitBy() method takes two arguments: the object to filter, and a callback that will be used to determine which values to omit. In this case, we used the _.isNil() method, which returns true if the value is null or undefined.

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