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jqueryHow can I use jQuery to yield a result?

jQuery is a JavaScript library that allows you to manipulate HTML elements. You can use jQuery to yield a result by selecting an element, performing some type of action on it, and then getting a result from it.

For example, you could use jQuery to get the text content of a <p> element:

// Select the <p> element
let paragraph = $('p');

// Get the text content
let textContent = paragraph.text();

// Output the text content

Output example

This is the text content of the paragraph.

Code explanation

  1. let paragraph = $('p'); - This line selects the <p> element.
  2. let textContent = paragraph.text(); - This line gets the text content of the <p> element.
  3. console.log(textContent); - This line outputs the text content of the <p> element.

For more information on jQuery, see the jQuery Documentation.

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