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jqueryHow do I set the height of an element using jQuery?

The height of an element can be set using jQuery's height() method. The syntax for this method is height(value), where value is either a number or a function.

For example, to set the height of an element with an ID of myDiv to 200px, the following code can be used:


The list of parts in the code above are:

  • $('#myDiv') - This is a jQuery selector used to select the element with an ID of myDiv.
  • height(200) - This is the height() method used to set the height of the element. The value 200 is passed as an argument to the method.

Alternatively, the height() method can also take a function as an argument. For example, to set the height of the element to twice its original height, the following code can be used:

$('#myDiv').height(function(index, height) {
  return height * 2;

The list of parts in the code above are:

  • $('#myDiv') - This is a jQuery selector used to select the element with an ID of myDiv.
  • height(function(index, height) {...}) - This is the height() method used to set the height of the element. The function passed as an argument takes two arguments, index and height, and returns a value which is used to set the height of the element.

For more information about the height() method, please refer to the following links:

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