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jqueryHow do I use jQuery to get the selected option?

The .val() method in jQuery can be used to get the selected option from a dropdown list. To use this method, the selector for the dropdown list is passed as an argument to the .val() method. The following example code block demonstrates the use of the .val() method:

var selectedOption = $('#dropdownList').val();

The output of the above code is the value of the selected option from the dropdown list:


The code can be broken down into the following parts:

  1. $('#dropdownList'): This is the selector for the dropdown list.

  2. .val(): This is the method used to get the selected option from the dropdown list.

  3. var selectedOption: This is the variable used to store the value of the selected option.

  4. console.log(selectedOption): This is used to log the value of the selected option to the console.

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