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jqueryHow do I use the jQuery keyup keycode to detect keyboard input?

jQuery keyup keycode is a jQuery event which is triggered when a key is pressed on the keyboard. The event is passed an event object which contains the keycode of the key pressed. The keycode can be used to determine which key was pressed.

Example code

    var keycode = event.keycode;
    if(keycode == 13){
        alert('The Enter key was pressed');

This example code uses the keyup event to listen for keyboard input. When a key is pressed, the event object is passed to the event handler function. The event object contains the keycode of the key pressed. The keycode can then be compared to a value to determine which key was pressed. In this example, if the keycode is 13 (the Enter key), an alert is shown.

Code explanation

  1. $('input').keyup(function(event){ - Attaches a keyup event handler to the input element.
  2. var keycode = event.keycode; - Gets the keycode from the event object.
  3. if(keycode == 13){ - Checks if the keycode is equal to 13 (the Enter key).
  4. alert('The Enter key was pressed'); - Displays an alert when the Enter key is pressed.
  5. }); - Closes the keyup event handler.

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