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mongodbHow to bulk write in MongoDB?

MongoDB provides a bulk write operation that allows users to perform multiple write operations in one request. This operation can be used to insert, update, and delete multiple documents in a single request.

Example code

  { insertOne: { document: { a: 1 } } },
  { updateOne: { filter: { a: 2 }, update: { $set: { a: 2 } }, upsert: true } },
  { deleteOne: { filter: { a: 3 } } }

Output example

  "acknowledged" : true,
  "deletedCount" : 1,
  "insertedCount" : 1,
  "matchedCount" : 1,
  "upsertedCount" : 1,
  "insertedIds" : [
  "upsertedIds" : [

Code explanation

  • db.collection.bulkWrite(): This is the method used to perform the bulk write operation.
  • insertOne: This is the operation used to insert a single document.
  • updateOne: This is the operation used to update a single document.
  • deleteOne: This is the operation used to delete a single document.
  • filter: This is the filter used to specify which documents should be affected by the operation.
  • update: This is the update document used to specify the changes to be made to the documents.
  • upsert: This is a boolean flag used to specify whether a new document should be inserted if no documents match the filter.

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