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mongodbHow to delete many documents at once in MongoDB?

MongoDB provides a deleteMany() method to delete multiple documents from a collection. The syntax for deleteMany() is as follows:

     justOne: <boolean>,
     writeConcern: <document>
  • <filter>: Specifies the selection criteria to delete the documents.
  • justOne: Optional. To delete only one document, set to true. The default value is false, which deletes all documents that match the criteria.
  • writeConcern: Optional. A document expressing the write concern.

For example, the following operation deletes all documents in the collection inventory where the status field equals A:

db.inventory.deleteMany( { status : "A" } )

The output of the above example will be:

{ "acknowledged" : true, "deletedCount" : 3 }

For more information, please refer to the MongoDB documentation.

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