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mongodbHow to rename a field in MongoDB?

Renaming a field in MongoDB can be done using the $rename operator. This operator takes two parameters, the first being the name of the field to be renamed and the second being the new name of the field.

For example, to rename the field name to fullName in the collection users, the following command can be used:

db.users.updateMany({}, {$rename: {name: "fullName"}})

The code above will update all documents in the users collection, renaming the name field to fullName.

Code explanation

  1. db.users.updateMany({}, {$rename: {name: "fullName"}}) - This is the command used to update all documents in the users collection, renaming the name field to fullName.

  2. $rename - This is the operator used to rename a field in MongoDB.

  3. name - This is the name of the field to be renamed.

  4. fullName - This is the new name of the field.

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