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mongodbHow to use elemmatch in MongoDB?

Elemmatch is a MongoDB query operator used to match a specific element in an array. It is used to match a single element in an array that meets the specified criteria.


db.collection.find( { arrayField: { $elemMatch: { <element1>: <value1>, <element2>: <value2>, ... } } } )

Output example

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f3d7f9f8f9f9f9f9f9f9f9f"), "arrayField" : [ { <element1> : <value1>, <element2> : <value2>, ... }, { <element1> : <value3>, <element2> : <value4>, ... }, ... ] }

Code explanation

  1. db.collection.find(): This is the MongoDB command used to query a collection.

  2. { arrayField: { $elemMatch: { <element1>: <value1>, <element2>: <value2>, ... } } }: This is the query criteria used to match a single element in an array that meets the specified criteria. The $elemMatch operator is used to match a specific element in an array. The <element1> and <element2> are the fields in the array that need to be matched, and <value1> and <value2> are the values that need to be matched.

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