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mongodbHow to use MongoDB HTTP interface?

MongoDB provides an HTTP interface for interacting with the database. It can be used to perform CRUD operations, run queries, and manage indexes.

Example code to insert a document into a collection:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "John Doe"}' http://localhost:28017/mydb/mycollection

Output example


The code consists of the following parts:

  • curl: the command used to make the HTTP request
  • -X POST: the type of request, in this case a POST request
  • -H "Content-Type: application/json": the header specifying the content type of the request body
  • -d '{"name": "John Doe"}': the data to be sent in the request body
  • http://localhost:28017/mydb/mycollection: the URL of the MongoDB instance and the collection to which the document should be inserted

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