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mongodbHow to work with JSON data in MongoDB?

MongoDB provides a native JSON data type that allows developers to store and query JSON documents directly in the database. To work with JSON data in MongoDB, you can use the $jsonSchema operator to validate the structure of the documents. Additionally, you can use the $jsonArray operator to query for specific elements in an array.

Example code

  $jsonSchema: {
    bsonType: "object",
    required: ["name", "age"],
    properties: {
      name: {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "must be a string and is required"
      age: {
        bsonType: "int",
        minimum: 0,
        description: "must be an integer and is required"

Output example

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f3f9f9f9f9f9f9f9f9f9f9f"), "name" : "John", "age" : 30 }

Code explanation

  • $jsonSchema operator: This operator is used to validate the structure of the documents.
  • bsonType: This is used to specify the type of data that is expected in the document.
  • required: This is used to specify which fields are required in the document.
  • properties: This is used to specify the properties of the document.

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