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php-pcntlHow to use the PCNTL_EXEC function in PHP?

The PCNTL_EXEC function in PHP is used to execute a program in the background. It takes the program name and its arguments as parameters.


$program = '/usr/bin/php';
$args = array('-v');
pcntl_exec($program, $args);

Output example

PHP 7.2.10 (cli) (built: Sep 10 2018 13:45:04) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies

Code explanation

  1. $program: This is a string containing the path to the program to be executed.
  2. $args: This is an array containing the arguments to be passed to the program.
  3. pcntl_exec(): This is the function that executes the program. It takes two parameters, the program name and its arguments.

Helpful links

  1. PHP pcntl_exec() Function
  2. PHP pcntl_exec() Manual

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