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php-regexHow to convert a PHP regex to JavaScript regex?

To convert a PHP regex to JavaScript regex, you need to understand the differences between the two languages. The main difference is that JavaScript does not support the \e escape sequence, so you need to replace it with \u001B. Additionally, JavaScript does not support the \Q and \E sequences, so you need to use (?: and ) instead.

Example code

// PHP regex
$pattern = '/\QHello\E World/';

// JavaScript regex
let pattern = /(?:Hello) World/;

Output example

// No output

Code explanation

  • \Q and \E sequences: These sequences are used to escape any special characters in the pattern. In JavaScript, you need to use (?: and ) instead.
  • \e escape sequence: This sequence is used to escape special characters in the pattern. In JavaScript, you need to replace it with \u001B.

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