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php-regexHow to use PHP regex with the "x" modifier?

The "x" modifier in PHP regex allows for comments and whitespace to be included in the pattern. This makes it easier to read and maintain complex regular expressions.

Example code

$pattern = '/
    \b # Word boundary
        \w+ # Match one or more word characters
    \b # Word boundary

if (preg_match($pattern, 'Hello World', $matches)) {
    echo $matches[1];

Output example


Code explanation

  • \b: Word boundary
  • \w+: Match one or more word characters
  • /x: The "x" modifier


  • The \b word boundary is used to match the beginning and end of a word.
  • The \w+ matches one or more word characters.
  • The /x modifier allows for comments and whitespace to be included in the pattern.

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