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php-tcpdfHow can I use the TCPDF Multicell function in PHP?

The TCPDF Multicell function in PHP allows you to print text with line breaks to a PDF document. It is a powerful and flexible function that can be used to create complex documents.

Example code

$pdf->MultiCell(50, 5, "This is a very long text\nwith multiple lines\nthat should be printed\nusing the MultiCell function", 1, 'L');

This code will create a multicell with a width of 50 and a height of 5. It will have a border of 1 and the text will be aligned to the left.

The list of parts in the example code are:

  • $pdf->MultiCell(50, 5, ...: This is the function call to the MultiCell function. It specifies the width and height of the cell.
  • "This is a very long text\nwith multiple lines\nthat should be printed\nusing the MultiCell function": This is the text that will be printed inside the cell. It can contain line breaks.
  • 1, 'L': This is the border and alignment of the text. The border is set to 1 and the alignment is set to left.

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