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phpunitHow to order tests with PHPUnit?

PHPUnit provides a way to order tests using the @depends annotation. This annotation allows you to specify that a test method depends on another test method. The dependent test method will be run before the test method that depends on it.

For example:

class MyTest extends TestCase
    public function testA()
        // ...

     * @depends testA
    public function testB()
        // ...

The @depends annotation can also be used to specify multiple test methods that the current test method depends on.

For example:

class MyTest extends TestCase
    public function testA()
        // ...

    public function testB()
        // ...

     * @depends testA
     * @depends testB
    public function testC()
        // ...

In this example, testC will be run after both testA and testB have been run.

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