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python-regexHow to match a hex color with regex in Python?

Regex can be used to match a hex color in Python. The regex pattern for a hex color is #[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}. This pattern will match any valid hex color code, including the # symbol.

Example code

import re

hex_color_regex = re.compile(r'#[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}')

hex_color = '#FF0000'

if hex_color_regex.match(hex_color):
    print('Valid hex color')
    print('Invalid hex color')

Output example

Valid hex color

Code explanation

  • import re: imports the re module which contains the re.compile() function used to create the regex pattern.
  • hex_color_regex = re.compile(r'#[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}'): creates a regex pattern object using the re.compile() function. The pattern #[A-Fa-f0-9]{6} will match any valid hex color code, including the # symbol.
  • hex_color = '#FF0000': sets the variable hex_color to a valid hex color code.
  • if hex_color_regex.match(hex_color):: checks if the hex_color variable matches the regex pattern.
  • print('Valid hex color'): prints the message Valid hex color if the hex_color variable matches the regex pattern.
  • print('Invalid hex color'): prints the message Invalid hex color if the hex_color variable does not match the regex pattern.

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