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python-regexHow to use backslash in Python regex?

Using backslash in Python regex is a way to escape special characters. For example, if you want to match a literal backslash, you need to use two backslashes in the regex.

import re

pattern = r"\\"

if re.search(pattern, "This is a backslash: \\"):
    print("No match!")

Output example


Code explanation

  • import re: imports the re module which provides regular expression matching operations
  • pattern = r"\\": creates a regular expression pattern object with a literal backslash
  • if re.search(pattern, "This is a backslash: \\"):: searches for the pattern in the given string
  • print("Match!"): prints "Match!" if the pattern is found
  • print("No match!"): prints "No match!" if the pattern is not found

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