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python-scipyHow do I calculate variance using Python and SciPy?

To calculate variance using Python and SciPy, you can use the scipy.stats.variance() function. This function takes in a list of numbers as an argument and returns the variance of the list.

Example code

import scipy.stats

my_list = [4, 5, 6, 7]

variance = scipy.stats.variance(my_list)


Output example


The code above first imports the scipy.stats module. Then, it creates a list of numbers called my_list. Finally, it uses the scipy.stats.variance() function to calculate the variance of the list, which is stored in the variance variable. The output of the code is 1.25.

Parts of the code:

  1. import scipy.stats - This line imports the scipy.stats module, which contains the variance() function.
  2. my_list = [4, 5, 6, 7] - This line creates a list of numbers called my_list.
  3. variance = scipy.stats.variance(my_list) - This line uses the scipy.stats.variance() function to calculate the variance of the list and stores it in the variance variable.
  4. print(variance) - This line prints the value of the variance variable.

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