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reactjsHow can I integrate Google Maps with ReactJS?

Integrating Google Maps with ReactJS is relatively straightforward. To begin, you need to include the Google Maps JavaScript library in your React application:

<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_API_KEY&callback=initMap"
    async defer></script>

This will give you access to the Google Maps API. Next, you need to create a <div> element that will contain the map. This can be done like so:

<div ref={el => (this.mapContainer = el)} className="mapContainer" />

The ref attribute allows you to access the <div> element from within your React component.

Once the <div> has been created, you can use the componentDidMount() lifecycle method to initialize the map:

componentDidMount() {
    this.map = new window.google.maps.Map(this.mapContainer, {
        center: { lat: this.props.lat, lng: this.props.lng },
        zoom: 8

The code above creates a new instance of the google.maps.Map class and passes in the <div> element and the map options (center and zoom level).

Finally, you can use the componentDidUpdate() lifecycle method to update the map when the props change:

componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
    if (prevProps.lat !== this.props.lat || prevProps.lng !== this.props.lng) {
        this.map.panTo({ lat: this.props.lat, lng: this.props.lng });

This code checks if the props have changed and, if so, updates the map.

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