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reactjsHow can I use a React.js Github obfuscator?

A React.js Github obfuscator is a tool that can be used to protect your code from being copied or stolen. It works by transforming your code into an unreadable format that can only be decoded by the original developer.

For example, the following code block:

let name = 'John Doe'

can be obfuscated using a React.js Github obfuscator into something like this:

let _0x1e3c=['John Doe','log'];(function(_0x1c7f3c,_0x1e3ce4){var _0x4a4e09=function(_0x4c6a0a){while(--_0x4c6a0a){_0x1c7f3c['push'](_0x1c7f3c['shift']());}};_0x4a4e09(++_0x1e3ce4);}(_0x1e3c,0x1d5));var _0x4a4e=function(_0x1c7f3c,_0x1e3ce4){_0x1c7f3c=_0x1c7f3c-0x0;var _0x4a4e09=_0x1e3c[_0x1c7f3c];return _0x4a4e09;};console[_0x4a4e('0x0')](_0x4a4e('0x1'));

Code explanation

  1. let name = 'John Doe' - This is the original code that is to be obfuscated.
  2. let _0x1e3c=['John Doe','log']; - This is an array containing the code to be obfuscated.
  3. (function(_0x1c7f3c,_0x1e3ce4){ - This is a function that takes the array from the previous line and obfuscates it.
  4. var _0x4a4e09=function(_0x4c6a0a){ - This is a variable that holds the obfuscated code.
  5. while(--_0x4c6a0a){ - This is a loop that runs the obfuscation process.
  6. _0x1c7f3c['push'](_0x1c7f3c['shift']()); - This is a function that shifts the array elements and pushes them into the obfuscated code.
  7. var _0x4a4e=function(_0x1c7f3c,_0x1e3ce4){ - This is a variable that holds the decoded code.
  8. console[_0x4a4e('0x0')](_0x4a4e('0x1')); - This is the decoded code that is printed to the console.

Helpful links

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