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reactjsHow can I use an online compiler to write ReactJS code?

You can use an online compiler to write ReactJS code by using the free open source compiler CodeSandbox. It provides a full development environment for web applications such as React, Vue, and Angular, with built-in support for Node.js, Babel, and TypeScript.

For example, here is a simple React component written in CodeSandbox:

import React from "react";

function App() {
  return <div>Hello World!</div>;

export default App;

This code will output the following:

Hello World!

The code is composed of the following parts:

  1. import React from "react" - imports the React library from the "react" package.
  2. function App() - defines a function called App.
  3. return <div>Hello World!</div> - returns a React element with the text "Hello World!".
  4. export default App - exports the App function so it can be used in other files.

CodeSandbox also provides several helpful features such as syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and debugging tools. Additionally, you can use it to create and share your projects with others.

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