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reactjsHow can I use ReactJS and Kafka together to develop a software application?

ReactJS and Kafka can be used together to develop a software application by building a ReactJS frontend and using Kafka as a message broker.

For example, a ReactJS component can be created to publish a message to a Kafka topic using the KafkaProducer class from the node-rdkafka library:

const { KafkaProducer } = require('node-rdkafka');

const producer = new KafkaProducer({
  'metadata.broker.list': 'localhost:9092'


producer.on('ready', () => {
  producer.produce('my_topic', null, Buffer.from('Hello Kafka!'));

The ReactJS component can then subscribe to the same Kafka topic using the KafkaConsumer class from the node-rdkafka library:

const { KafkaConsumer } = require('node-rdkafka');

const consumer = new KafkaConsumer({
  'group.id': 'my_group',
  'metadata.broker.list': 'localhost:9092'


consumer.on('ready', () => {

consumer.on('data', (data) => {
  console.log(data.value.toString()); // Outputs: 'Hello Kafka!'

The components can then be combined to create a fully functional application.

Code explanation

  • KafkaProducer class from the node-rdkafka library to publish messages to a Kafka topic
  • KafkaConsumer class from the node-rdkafka library to subscribe to the same Kafka topic
  • producer.on('ready', ...) event handler to connect to the Kafka broker
  • producer.produce(...) method to publish a message to a Kafka topic
  • consumer.on('ready', ...) event handler to connect to the Kafka broker
  • consumer.subscribe(...) method to subscribe to a Kafka topic
  • consumer.on('data', ...) event handler to receive messages from the Kafka topic

Helpful links

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