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reactjsHow can I use ReactJS and Kotlin together to develop a software application?

ReactJS and Kotlin can be used together to develop a software application. For example, a ReactJS frontend can be used to render a UI, while a Kotlin backend can be used to handle server-side logic.

// ReactJS frontend code
import React from 'react';

function App() {
  return (
      <h1>Hello world!</h1>

export default App;

// Kotlin backend code
fun main() {
    println("Hello world!")

Output example

Hello world!

Code explanation

  • ReactJS code:

    • import React from 'react' imports the React library.
    • function App() defines a function that will render the UI.
    • return (...) returns the UI to be rendered.
    • export default App exports the App function so that it is available to other components.
  • Kotlin code:

    • fun main() defines the main function that will be called when the program is executed.
    • println("Hello world!") prints the string "Hello world!" to the console.

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