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reactjsHow do I create a template using ReactJS?

To create a template using ReactJS, you can use the React.createElement method. This method takes three arguments: the type of element to be created, any properties to be set on the element, and the children of the element. The type of element can be a string, such as "div" or "h1", or a React component.

For example, the following code creates a <div> element with two <h1> children:

const template = React.createElement(
  React.createElement("h1", null, "Hello World"),
  React.createElement("h1", null, "Goodbye World")

The output of this code is a ReactElement object:

ReactElement {
  type: "div",
  props: {
    children: [
      ReactElement { type: "h1", props: { children: "Hello World" } },
      ReactElement { type: "h1", props: { children: "Goodbye World" } }

The React.createElement method is a powerful way to create React templates. It allows you to quickly create complex React elements with any number of children.

For more information, see the React documentation.

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