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reactjsHow do I export data from a ReactJS app?

Exporting data from a ReactJS app is a fairly straightforward process and there are several approaches you can take. One approach is to use the fetch() method to make an API call and retrieve the data from the server. The following example code shows how to use the fetch() method to make an API call and store the response data in a variable:

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {
    let myData = data;

If you are using the Axios library, you can use the get() method to make an API call and store the response data in a variable:

  .then(response => {
    let myData = response.data;

Once you have the data stored in a variable, you can use the FileSaver.js library to save the data to a file. The following example code shows how to save the data to a file in the JSON format:

const file = new File([JSON.stringify(myData)], 'data.json', { type: 'application/json;charset=utf-8' });

This will create a file called data.json containing the data from the API call. You can also use the FileSaver.js library to export the data to other file formats such as CSV.

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