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reactjsHow do I set a return value for a React.js function?

Setting a return value for a React.js function is a common task. To do this, you need to call the return keyword within the function body. This will specify the value that the function should return when it is called.

For example, the following code block defines a React.js function called exampleFunction that returns the string "Hello World!" when called:

function exampleFunction() {
  return "Hello World!";

When called, this function will return the string "Hello World!":

console.log(exampleFunction()); // Output: "Hello World!"

The return keyword can also be used to return other types of values, such as objects, arrays, numbers, and booleans. For example, the following code block defines a React.js function called exampleFunction2 that returns an object when called:

function exampleFunction2() {
  return {
    message: "Hello World!",
    number: 42

When called, this function will return an object with two properties, message and number:

console.log(exampleFunction2()); // Output: { message: "Hello World!", number: 42 }

It is also possible to return the result of an expression or a function call. For example, the following code block defines a React.js function called exampleFunction3 that returns the result of adding two numbers when called:

function exampleFunction3(num1, num2) {
  return num1 + num2;

When called with two numbers, this function will return the result of adding them together:

console.log(exampleFunction3(3, 4)); // Output: 7

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