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rustBitwise operator example in Rust

Bitwise operators are used to perform bit-level operations on integer values in Rust. They are used to manipulate individual bits within a number.

Example code

let x = 0b1010_1010;
let y = 0b0101_0101;

let result = x & y;
println!("{:b}", result);

Output example


The code above uses the bitwise AND operator (&) to perform a bitwise operation on two numbers. The x variable is set to 1010_1010 in binary, and the y variable is set to 0101_0101 in binary. The & operator then performs a bitwise AND operation on the two numbers, resulting in 1010_0000.

Code explanation

  • let x = 0b1010_1010;: This line declares a variable x and sets it to 1010_1010 in binary.
  • let y = 0b0101_0101;: This line declares a variable y and sets it to 0101_0101 in binary.
  • let result = x & y;: This line uses the bitwise AND operator (&) to perform a bitwise operation on the two numbers.
  • println!("{:b}", result);: This line prints the result of the bitwise operation in binary format.

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