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rustBitwise XOR operator usage in Rust

The bitwise XOR operator (^) is a binary operator in Rust that performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation on two operands. It returns a result that has a bit set if either, but not both, of the corresponding bits of the two operands is set.


let a = 0b1010;
let b = 0b1100;

let result = a ^ b;
println!("{:b}", result);

Output example


Code explanation

  • let a = 0b1010;: This line declares a variable a and assigns it the binary value 1010.
  • let b = 0b1100;: This line declares a variable b and assigns it the binary value 1100.
  • let result = a ^ b;: This line performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation on a and b, and assigns the result to the variable result.
  • println!("{:b}", result);: This line prints the binary representation of the result of the bitwise exclusive OR operation.

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