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rustHow do I determine the size of a variable in Rust?

The size of a variable in Rust can be determined using the std::mem::size_of function. This function takes a reference to a type and returns the size of the type in bytes.

fn main() {
    let x = 5;
    println!("Size of x is {} bytes", std::mem::size_of_val(&x));

Output example

Size of x is 8 bytes

The code above has the following parts:

  • let x = 5: This declares a variable x with the value 5.
  • std::mem::size_of_val(&x): This calls the std::mem::size_of_val function, which takes a reference to a type and returns the size of the type in bytes.
  • println!("Size of x is {} bytes", std::mem::size_of_val(&x)): This prints the size of the variable x in bytes.

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