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rustHow do I use a variable in a match statement in Rust?

Using a variable in a match statement in Rust is a powerful way to control the flow of your program. The match statement is a powerful tool for pattern matching and allows you to compare a variable to a set of patterns.

Example code

let x = 5;

match x {
    1 => println!("x is 1"),
    2 => println!("x is 2"),
    3 => println!("x is 3"),
    4 => println!("x is 4"),
    5 => println!("x is 5"),
    _ => println!("x is something else"),

Output example

x is 5

Code explanation

  1. let x = 5; - This declares a variable x and assigns it the value 5.
  2. match x { - This begins the match statement and uses the variable x as the value to be matched.
  3. 1 => println!("x is 1"), - This is a pattern that matches the value 1 and prints the string x is 1 if the value of x is 1.
  4. _ => println!("x is something else"), - This is a catch-all pattern that matches any value that is not matched by the other patterns and prints the string x is something else.

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