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rustHow do you create a multi-line string in Rust?

Creating a multi-line string in Rust is done using a raw string literal. A raw string literal is a string that is surrounded by two backslashes (\) and a pair of double quotes ("). The backslashes tell the compiler to ignore any special characters within the string.

Example code

let my_string = r"This is a
multi-line string
in Rust";

Output example

This is a
multi-line string
in Rust

Code explanation

  • let: This is a keyword used to declare a variable.
  • my_string: This is the name of the variable.
  • r: This is a prefix used to indicate a raw string literal.
  • ": This is a double quote used to enclose the string.
  • \: This is a backslash used to indicate that the compiler should ignore any special characters within the string.

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