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rustHow to borrow option value in Rust

Rust provides a powerful borrowing system that allows you to borrow values from one place and use them in another. This is done through the & operator, which creates a reference to a value. The reference can then be used to access the value without taking ownership of it.

let x = 5;
let y = &x;

println!("x = {}", x);
println!("y = {}", y);

Output example

x = 5
y = 5

The code above creates a variable x with the value 5, and then creates a reference to x called y. The reference y can then be used to access the value of x without taking ownership of it.

The borrowing system in Rust is very powerful and allows for a variety of different types of borrowing. For example, you can borrow a value mutably, which allows you to modify the value without taking ownership of it.

let mut x = 5;
let y = &mut x;

*y = 10;

println!("x = {}", x);
println!("y = {}", y);

Output example

x = 10
y = 10

In this example, the variable x is declared as mutable, and then a mutable reference to x is created called y. The reference y can then be used to modify the value of x without taking ownership of it.

For more information about Rust's borrowing system, see the Rust Book.

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