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rustHow to match multiple error types in Rust

Rust provides a powerful way to match multiple error types using the match keyword. This allows you to handle different types of errors in a single block of code.

Here is an example of how to match multiple error types in Rust:

fn main() {
    let result = do_something();
    match result {
        Ok(value) => println!("Success: {}", value),
        Err(err) => match err {
            Error::IOError(e) => println!("IO Error: {}", e),
            Error::ParseError(e) => println!("Parse Error: {}", e),
            _ => println!("Unknown Error"),

In this example, the do_something() function returns a Result type, which can either be an Ok value or an Err value. If the result is an Ok value, it is printed to the console. If the result is an Err value, it is matched against different types of errors. In this example, we are matching against IOError and ParseError. If the error matches either of these types, the appropriate message is printed to the console. If the error does not match either of these types, a generic "Unknown Error" message is printed.

Here is a breakdown of the code:

  • let result = do_something(): This line calls the do_something() function and stores the result in the result variable.

  • match result {: This line starts a match block, which is used to match against different types of errors.

  • Ok(value) => println!("Success: {}", value): This line matches against Ok values and prints a success message to the console.

  • Err(err) => match err {: This line matches against Err values and starts a new match block to match against different types of errors.

  • Error::IOError(e) => println!("IO Error: {}", e): This line matches against IOError and prints an appropriate message to the console.

  • Error::ParseError(e) => println!("Parse Error: {}", e): This line matches against ParseError and prints an appropriate message to the console.

  • _ => println!("Unknown Error"): This line matches against any other type of error and prints a generic "Unknown Error" message to the console.

  • }: This line closes the match block.




IO Error:


Parse Error:


Unknown Error

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