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rustHow to extract data with regex in Rust?

Regex (regular expressions) can be used to extract data from strings in Rust. To use regex, the regex crate must be imported.

extern crate regex;

use regex::Regex;

fn main() {
    let re = Regex::new(r"\d+").unwrap();
    let text = "The answer is 42";

    println!("{:?}", re.find(text));

Output example


The code above uses the Regex::new function to create a new Regex object from a string. The find method is then used to search for the first occurrence of the regex pattern in the given string.

Parts of the code:

  • extern crate regex: imports the regex crate.
  • use regex::Regex: imports the Regex type from the regex crate.
  • Regex::new(r"\d+"): creates a new Regex object from the given string.
  • find(text): searches for the first occurrence of the regex pattern in the given string.

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