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rustrust string contains

A String in Rust is a UTF-8 encoded, growable bit of text. It is a collection of chars, and is one of the most commonly used data types in Rust.

let mut my_string = String::new();
my_string.push_str("Hello, world!");

println!("{}", my_string);

Output example

Hello, world!

The String type has several methods that can be used to check if it contains a certain substring. These include:

  • contains(): Checks if a String contains a given substring.
  • find(): Returns the index of the first character of a given substring in a String.
  • rfind(): Returns the index of the last character of a given substring in a String.

These methods can be used to check if a String contains a given substring. For example:

let my_string = String::from("Hello, world!");

assert_eq!(my_string.find("world"), 7);
assert_eq!(my_string.rfind("world"), 7);

The contains() method returns a bool indicating whether the String contains the given substring. The find() and rfind() methods return the index of the first and last character of the substring, respectively.

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