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sphinxsearchHow can I order search results by relevance using SphinxSearch?

To order search results by relevance using SphinxSearch, you can use the SET clause in the query. For example, the following query orders the results by relevance, using the weight field:

SELECT * FROM index_name
WHERE MATCH('keywords')
SET weight DESC;

The SET clause is used to sort the results using one or more fields. In the above example, the weight field is used to sort the results. The DESC keyword indicates that the results should be sorted in descending order.

The weight field is used to indicate the relevance of the results. Generally, the higher the weight value, the more relevant the result.

The following list explains the parts of the query:

  • SELECT * FROM index_name – This part of the query specifies the index to be used for the search.
  • WHERE MATCH('keywords') – This part of the query specifies the keywords to search for.
  • SET weight DESC – This part of the query specifies the field to sort the results by (weight) and the order (DESC).

For more information, see the SphinxSearch documentation.

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