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sphinxsearchHow can I use regexp_filter with Sphinxsearch?

The regexp_filter is a powerful tool that can be used with Sphinxsearch to filter search results based on a regular expression pattern. This tutorial will show you how to use regexp_filter with Sphinxsearch.

  1. Create a Sphinx configuration file, and define an index with the regexp_filter option. For example:
source data_source
    type = mysql
    sql_query = \
        SELECT id, title, content \
        FROM table
    sql_attr_uint = id
    sql_attr_string = title
    sql_attr_string = content
    sql_field_string = title
    sql_field_string = content
    sql_query_info = SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=$id
    index title
        type = plain
        regexp_filter = (\w+)
    index content
        type = plain
        regexp_filter = (\w+)
  1. Once the configuration file is created, run the indexer command to create the index:
indexer --config /path/to/sphinx.conf --all
  1. After the index is created, you can now use the regexp_filter option in your search query. For example:
$query = 'SELECT * FROM data_source WHERE MATCH('title:myword regexp_filter:(\w+)')';

This will return all records that contain the word 'myword', as well as any words that match the regular expression pattern.

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